May 27, 2010

The Cat is Out of the Bag!

Otto Grows DownIt's hard to believe that my little PDub will soon turn 2!  I was reminded when I stopped by Brimful Curiosities and read her review of Otto Grows Down, by Michael Sussman.  This is about a new big brother who's birthday is overshadowed by the new baby.  I can only imagine how PDub will feel when that day comes, so I will keep this book on my list of ones to remember.  You can win a copy of this at Brimful Curiosities blog now! 

Skippyjon JonesOne thing you'll be asked to do is recall a childhood memory from one of your birthdays.  Well now, I have quite a few to pull from!  Most vividly though, I remember receiving a hat box on my fifth birthday.  When I lifted its lid, a Siamese kitten sprang from it and took off running!  I screamed and ran the opposite direction!  I doubt that's what Mom had in mind.  Sorry, Mom, that was such a sweet surprise you planned.  That Siamese and I became good buddies and it would actually ride on the front of my tricycle for as long as I was willing to pedal.

Let's face it, though, cats are weird.  Especially Siamese.  I now have a grand Siamese who takes the cake on bizarre.  He is declawed and completely pampered indoors yet he disappeared from me while I was cat-sitting and survived outdoors for several weeks before being caught and returned to captivity. 

Go Home!: The True Story of James the CatHere is a book written by my sister-in-law, Libby Meggs, about a cat believed to have a home who did not...until she rescued him.  The cat in this story is real and the illustrations, also by Libby, were lovingly prepared in his memory. 

There is still a cat in my house.  She is a Siamese mix, and therefore, strange.
Just like me.



  1. Thanks for the mention. I'm sure PDub will love the Otto book in a few years. My daughter would love a kitten for her birthday, but it would be a shock to have one jump out at you if you weren't expecting it!

  2. hah! loved this one - siamese cats are SO weird!
