There is a new trend going around where old pieces of furniture are given a new life and purpose...repurposing, they call it.

Grammy had already repurposed a computer hutch that Papallama built for her one Christmas, but she hadn't fancied it up yet. This week began the beautification project to transform the hutch into a printer/arts/craft/sewing cabinet. Let's just call it my PACS-inet.

As is
often always the case with my projects, it was more involved and more expensive than I anticipated. And I was hoping to follow Papallama's mantra of "If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing right." So I cleaned, I sanded, I primed, I put one coat, I put another coat, and another...
Maybe one of these days I'll finish it. For now it is drying its third coat. I am posting a few pictures of it midway to give you an idea of what I'm in the midst of.
Watching the paint dry~
Looking forward to seeing the finished project.