After our weekend in Alabama, I got ready for my return trip to help Mama at Law for another week. She had requested my help long before P Buddy was born when she saw the possibility that she would be in a trial in March. Trials in family law are not frequent, according to Mama at Law, so this was a pretty big deal and meant it would need her full attention.
Photo Credit: Anna Kate Photography |
It was the first time that I had the
challenge privilege of taking care of both boys at once including having them both in the car and out in public together with me. How I raised two children of my own is now a mystery to me. It is scary business. Once when making a quick left on a busy road, the car's tailgate flew open. I pulled off the road and proceeded to fix the problem. When I returned to driving, PDub sweetly shouted, "Oh, crap! Dat's silly, uh, Gwammy?" That's when I realized that I could no longer vocalize my thoughts while driving in the car with the grands. Obviously, he picked up on a new phrase from a reaction I didn't even know I had broadcast. Then one afternoon, I decided to grab some early supper for PDub from the nearby fast food place. I thought I would just drive through, but I couldn't turn down his excited request to get out and play a while at their playground. PBuddy, meanwhile, was wailing like a banshee, his usual response to short car trips with me. "Oh well, he'll stop when I get him out," I thought. And he did. Until we got inside the restaurant. Then he commenced to wail again. The workers' eyes got real big, and their pace quickened. (Oh, they thought I was going to take the wailing baby out? Ha, such luck!) PBuddy was given the distinction of being the loudest baby they had ever heard. Well, he's got a good set of lungs. What can I say? Luckily, he did settle down and PDub enjoyed some time playing. Again, how did I raise two of my own? I felt a little better when Mama at Law said she would have never attempted to do it alone. I have to give PDub props for being a super listener and for leaving peacefully when I told him it was time to go.
Photo Credit: Anna Kate Photography |
Now, don't let me leave you thinking that PBuddy is a cryer. He is the sweetest, cuddliest butterball of a baby. I just love to hold him because he appreciates it so much. He and I are kindred spirits given our position of #3 in family position. We #3's gotta stick together. He will never have to worry about me neglecting him because I've tired of ballgames, concerts, or programs. God willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be there, PBuddy...and Baby Bird...and PDub...
I returned home after a successful conclusion to the trial and welcomed Mama Cat and Baby Bird for a special visit.
Remember that virus that they had? It came along, too.
Maybe my favorite post ever! I, too, have wondered, "How did I do it???"