I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Wonderful are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well. ~Psalm 139:14 American Standard Version
Each grandson is definitely one of a kind. PBuddy has a stock of reddish brown hair and deep blue eyes. He knows his momma's voice and lets her know when he is hungry beyond any shadow of a doubt. When his eyes lock onto something, he gets very, very still and stares several minutes. His hands are more active than his legs. He waves them around and loves to get his hand up to his mouth. He likes a paci...thank goodness. He sleeps for a few hours at a time. When he's awake, he is pretty quiet. (unless he's hungry) He prefers a dry, clean diaper as soon as possible. He needs burping when he drinks a bottle. He loves to sleep on you more than he likes sleeping in a crib. He is not a fan of riding in the car. He stops crying as soon as he is picked up. He loves to be held. Yes, he is wonderfully made. I know that right well.
With gratitude~
Beautiful baby. Beautiful photo.