Mama Cat and I hosted a small gathering of friends and family this past weekend just to let Mama at Law know that we love her and PDub II. We are very excited about his pending arrival in early early January, 2012. (or sooner) Mama at Law has decided to coordinate the boys' rooms with a madras theme and we ran with that as the shower theme. Working together by phone, internet, and mail, I think we did a pretty good job tying it all together. I wanted to share a few photos for folks who may be like me...looking for ideas that are easy!
We ordered plainly decorated cakes from Publix and added coordinating ribbon with double sided tape. Since this is a second little baby boy, guests generously gave the gift of diapers and Mama Cat had diaper cakes in the centerpieces, too.
It was all relatively simple and Mama at Law loved the chance to see hometown friends and special family members.
Weekends like this warm the heart.
Happy, sappy sigh~
An absolutely lovely shower!