So is his nest ready? Not just yet. Mama Cat and Jaybird just moved to Alabama, and while his nursery is painted, there are some repairs that must be addressed before the furniture is set up. Breathe, Mama Cat, breathe. It will all get done in time.
In the meanwhile, she was showered on her last trip to SC and sent home with books, books, and more books! Yay! I love baby showers that stock the library! She got some wonderful titles, classics, and new ones alike.
I gave her Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake
. Little Mouse is in a hurry, but he finds a chocolate chip raspberry filled cupcake that is much too big to handle alone. His friends come by chippng in to take a nibble until's just the right size for Little Mouse. I loved the message of sharing, helping, and the wonderful illustrations that tell the tale. I know Baby Bird will love it, too.
Skippyjon Jones just to name a few.
If there's one thing my girls and I have in common, it's that we love to plan a party. This was so much fun and was a much needed opportunity to gather and celebrate this bundle of joy.
Now, let the countdown commence!
Is he here yet?~
When did all these little girls turn into grown-up ladies? Surely it hasn't been that many years.