All across the southern state where I live, you can track the excitement on facebook and twitter and blog land as the snow makes a magical and historical appearance at Christmastime. For us, it meant cutting short our visit to PDub.
Fortunately, we packed in lots of memories in the time we were there. The first night, we watched PDub visit Santa and though he promised to tell him that Grammy wanted presents, too, I am pretty sure he only gave Saint Nick his own wish list. Never send a boy to do a woman's job.
Then we drove through the famous County Park Holiday Lights. PDub oohed and ahhed the whole time and it was like seeing it again for the first time. He did not want to go home. Yep, I can relate. (See paragraph one.)
Then on Christmas Eve, Mama at Law, PDub, and I took a nice walk around the neighborhood and visited a nearby playground. PDub now knows the way, and when you see his Christmas present, you know Mama at Law will need to keep it under lock and key to keep him from venturing back on his lonesome.
We attended a wonderful Christmas Eve service and held our annual Christmas card contest. Daddy at Law's parents tied for first place, and were followed by a reader of this blog and friend of mine who wrote me the sweetest note. I hope she had a very Merry Christmas. She brightened our hearts with her warm thoughts. (See! Our Christmas card contest is not tacky. It's touching.)
Christmas morning was just pure joy and magic as we watched PDub's reaction to Santa's visit and shared in our gift exchange. Can you believe he LOVED everything he got? Even the clothes? Sure you can, if you follow this blog at all. He loved each and every gift. I believe we all did.
Papallama and I reluctantly decided to head home Christmas afternoon before the storm created travel problems. We woke up today with a beautiful winter wonderland.
I asked Papallama why it's so nice (and romantic) to be here alone with him and yet miss my girls at the same time.
You know those people who tell you to enjoy your children while they're young because time flies and they'll be grown before you know it?
They're right.
Now I am really, really excited about 2011! My mom always said, "Don't wish your life away!" but I can not wait to meet grand #2 in June! Guess in the meantime, I will go make some New Year resolutions and begin breaking them.
Auld lang syne, y'all~
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