September 10, 2010

PDub Gets Skooled

PDub started a new school this fall.  And though change isn't easy, Mama and Daddy at Law felt like it was time to provide a little structure and routine to his day.  (Cause you know as well as I do that he will be in 5K in the blink of an eye!)

PDub is learning that his new school has some rules and boundaries, and that there is this word that grown-ups are starting to use that is not always to his liking.


But he sees a toy over there with his name written all over it...


But he wants to go outside and play...


Stop and eat?  Not right now...


Take a nap?  Are you serious?!...


Stay in this room when there's a big ole world out there to explore?...


It's a powerful word.  It keeps us safe.  It teaches us important lessons.  It tells us stories.  It is a comfort when we are troubled. 

But for now, LISTEN is a hard lesson for a two year old to absorb.  He'll get it though.   Maybe not the easy way.  But he'll get it.  And whenever he needs it, I'll be here to...



  1. If only listening was something everyone was born 11 month old just stares at me blankly when I try to tell him no. Are you talking to me? No...she's not talking to me!

  2. Wish it was an easy thing to learn, my husband still doesn't and he is 49! Kids...they will learn just takes practice at least that is what Katy told me!

    Love you blog as always,

