This is a potty tale based
on a Cinderella plot. |
Warning: This post is rated PT: Potty Training May contain words like pee, poop, and bookey(boo-key)
Mama at Law had breaking news for me yesterday. She had just purchased three sets of Thomas the Train underwear, size 4T, and three pairs of easy on, easy off shorts and was ready for potty training to commence starting today!
This is called a potty system.
A system...really? |

This shouldn't come as a complete shock to PDub. She bought him a potty some months back. He commenced to take it apart and put it back together, take it apart, and put it back together, take it...yeah, you get the idea. It was one big ole toy. An editorial note here, potties today are ridiculous. They play music and have lights and talk to you. How many of you sit on toilets that do that? I say bring back the little wooden chair with the pot underneath that does nothing but catch number one and number two. If you want to have a bunny decal on the back of it, okay, but no music, faces, or lights! This is the potty, not Vegas. Back to the potty, though. PDub has actually managed to hit the mark a time or two, but he has remained in diapers up to now.
When he moved into the two year old room at daycare, the first thing Mama at Law noticed was the lack of diaper cubbies and the presence of potties. When she picked PDub up last week, he had managed to poop in the potty for the very first time. Oh, the joy!
So, with the teacher's encouragement, PDub is going to quit diapers cold turkey this week. Mama at Law washed all his new drudies last night and even let him try on a pair. Ah, warm undie...makes you want to...oh no, wait, PDub!
Gives you a warm feeling, doesn't it?
Can PDub's teacher tackle the potty training with my son, too? I do so dread it and I'm planning to start in Sept.
ReplyDeleteI remember making the switch to big boy underwear. It was always a little nerve wracking! Gosh, it's been forever ago now! Good luck with it!
ReplyDeleteStopping by from SITS.
Just a quick update. PDub has been making a great effort to use the potty. He has not soiled nearly as many clothes as his mommy expected and she is thrilled with progress so far. She knows this is not something that will happen overnight and that he is still very young. But two days in, it looks like it was the right move to make. And yes, his teacher must be a saint.
ReplyDeleteHis teacher(s) are saints! For sure! And the part at the end about the warm undies is a CLASSIC....you can't make it up right!? :)
ReplyDeleteMy six year old still pee's his pants at night. We have tried nearly everything. Dr. said some are just more stubborn that others.
ReplyDeleteBy the way you have won an award, please go to my site!
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