ME! Little ole ME! My heartfelt thanks to Kristina over at
The Churchill Family and Life As We Know It blog. Blog awards, for those of you who just enjoy browsing blogs for your reading pleasure, are a blogger's way of saying, "Nice job!" "Way to go!" "Look at her!" I can never get enough of that kind of recognition. Yes, I write to journal my adventures with my grandchildren, but I love my readers and I really want them to feel like stopping by the blog was worth their time and something they will do again and again. I also love comments here as well as in person by folks who read it but don't want to comment publicly. I thank all of you for tagging along. So, thanks, Kristina! Go check out
Kristina's blog. She has the cutest kiddos, and she also has beautiful photography and poetry from her everyday life that will encourage and inspire you.
Here are the Rules for this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. Share SEVEN things about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to 15 bloggers who you recently discovered, and who you think are totally awesome.
4. Contact the bloggers and let them know that they have won.
So here I go with seven earth shaking, life changing, can't believe she said that...things about me.
- I have tried to retire twice. It never works. I am too restless and broke to stay at home all day doing nothing. (which is what I do given my distaste for cooking and housework)
- That lead to this. I just returned to teaching, except this time I will be a working in a virtual school as a virtual special educator. I am really (not virtually) excited about it!
- I am afraid of knives. No reason for it. Just a random fear.
- I live vicariously through my two daughters, which makes me beautiful, smart, an attorney, and a runner. Thank you, girls!
- I just directed a wedding. What an honor!
- I have had some very trying times in my life and I wouldn't trade them for the world. How would I know how to fully appreciate the calm or joyful times otherwise?
- I married my husband of (almost)33 years just 13 weeks after I met him. And that has made all the difference in my life.
Now since I will be busy getting myself in gear for the new school year, it's a perfect time to let you browse some of my favorite blogs. Come back later when I have more time to share what Grammy and PDub have been reading.
The World from My Basement is a blog written by someone I actually know. She is so talented and you will love her monogram shop. You can thank me later.
I love parties. She makes me want to have one every month! Visit
Attention 2 Detail for inspiration.
Readers who enjoy deals and especially those who may live in the low country area of SC need to follow
soireesandshenanigans for some heads up about some sweet deals. She also has another blog about a sweet little baby on the way, so this is a two-fer.
Book Buddies to check out. You will not be disappointed!
Brimful Curiosities
Vintage Children's Books
Silly Eagle Books
Happy Birthday, Author
Mommy bloggers:
Cultivating Rosebuds
Mommie Cooks
Mommy Teacher 123
Our Abby
Just a Mom, Reading to My Kids
Making Lemonade
Craftier than Crafty!
The Seasoned Homemaker puts me to shame.
Last, but not least,
The Green Hanger Shop! My other blog and business undertaking. You didn't think I would pass up a chance for a little more self promotion, did you?!