The family that reads together learns together. Papallama wisely says that children learn not only from what we do, but also by what we don't do. PDub and Baby Bird remind me that reading needs to be what we do everyday. I am so proud of Mama at Law and Mama Cat for making reading such an important daily routine for the boys.

Mama Cat says that Baby Bird tuned in to
Good Night, Moon 
recently. She thinks it's probably due to his visual development. This book contrasts black and white pages to color pages, so it not only teaches Baby Bird the sweet rhythmic sound of reading, but also helps his little eyes start to focus.

I'm a big fan of Margaret Wise Brown and this book will be a favorite for many years, I'm sure, since it is such a great bedtime story. She also wrote
Runaway Bunny
, another must have in a child's library.

PDub is reviving some old favorites at bedtime. He has shelved
Peter Rabbit 
and checked out
The Kissing Hand 
once more. Both of those stories deal with separation and I can understand why they would appeal to him once again. He's moved to a new classroom with new challenges and the arrival of baby brother is starting to become a reality as Mama at Law's tummy expands.
I have even managed to share some new books with Mama Cat and Mama at Law. Mama Cat is reading
The Help 
What Alice Forgot
. Mama at Law tried out my
version of
The Weird Sisters
. She loves the book AND the Kindle.
Maybe This Time
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption 
will be my next read. Right now, my nose is in books about antiques and costume jewelry as I list the things that are left from Mom's estate. You can follow that in our
Etsy Shop. (See the link in the right sidebar for updates.) I am learning that you can't know much about antiques without learning history in the process, and for me, that's been very enjoyable. Messy, cluttery fun.
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