Farewell, January. Good riddance. I have never liked you, and 2011 has given me even more reason not to.
February, come on in. I wouldn't care for you either, but at least you're short. I guess I can put up with you for 28 days.
I apologize for being such a crank. I just don't winter well, and this month has been particularly harsh. Both mom and Lib, my MIL, are very frail, and I am powerless to help them. I am down, I admit it.
So tonight I am selecting my book of the month for February, and I know my mood played a major role in my selection. I picked
The Help

, written by Kathryn Stockett. It's described as having 'heart and hope'. It had me at heart. The story is set in 1962 Mississippi and features three 'unforgettable' females. One is Skeeter, a twenty-two year old graduate of Ole Miss who has returned home. The pressure to get a ring on her finger is huge and she would love to find solace with her dear maid, Constantine, who raised her. But Constantine has disappeared and no one will tell Skeeter where she is. The second woman is Aibileen, a maid who is raising her seventeenth white child. She has changed since her own son was killed while her boss looked the other way, but she loves the child she is raising. It may break both of their hearts. Finally, Minny, Aibileen's best friend, is short, fat, and perhaps the sassiest woman in Mississippi. She can cook like nobody's business, but she can't mind her tongue. I have a feeling I may like her the best.
Did I finish my January selection,
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
? Well, it's not midnight yet, so I think I will. I was right. I often don't enjoy books from the New York Times bestseller list. This one was horrid. The writing was vivid, don't get me wrong. Too vivid. Too sick. Too foreign. I am glad to know what everyone is talking about; however, I wish I had never read the violent and twisted events, and I won't be continuing to the next one in the trilogy.
On a happy note, Grammy finds out what Mama Cat and Daddy Jaybird will be having this week! Guess you know what I'll be writing next.
It's a ~