It's hard to believe that my little PDub will soon turn 2! I was reminded when I stopped by Brimful Curiosities and read her review of Otto Grows Down, by Michael Sussman. This is about a new big brother who's birthday is overshadowed by the new baby. I can only imagine how PDub will feel when that day comes, so I will keep this book on my list of ones to remember. You can win a copy of this at Brimful Curiosities blog now!
One thing you'll be asked to do is recall a childhood memory from one of your birthdays. Well now, I have quite a few to pull from! Most vividly though, I remember receiving a hat box on my fifth birthday. When I lifted its lid, a Siamese kitten sprang from it and took off running! I screamed and ran the opposite direction! I doubt that's what Mom had in mind. Sorry, Mom, that was such a sweet surprise you planned. That Siamese and I became good buddies and it would actually ride on the front of my tricycle for as long as I was willing to pedal.
Let's face it, though, cats are weird. Especially Siamese. I now have a grand Siamese who takes the cake on bizarre. He is declawed and completely pampered indoors yet he disappeared from me while I was cat-sitting and survived outdoors for several weeks before being caught and returned to captivity.
Here is a book written by my sister-in-law, Libby Meggs, about a cat believed to have a home who did not...until she rescued him. The cat in this story is real and the illustrations, also by Libby, were lovingly prepared in his memory.
There is still a cat in my house. She is a Siamese mix, and therefore, strange.
To storytime! If you don't turn the heads of everyone in the room while you are reading, you are missing out. And I don't just mean loud. I mean get yourself in character and really relate to the story as if it were jumping off the pages!
Hubby's nickname is 'The Llama'. He's wise and all knowing. So when I saw the book, Llama Llama Red Pajama I thought, "Neat! A llama book for our little Llama, PDub!" What I got, though, was a wonderful readaloud that his mama could read with drama. Boy, did he love that! And so did everyone else who read it or heard it.
Happily, Anna Dewdney has continued this series of Llama dramas that every little toddler and preschooler and parents thereof can enjoy.
I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Fathers Are Coming Home, written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Stephen Savage. It arrived yesterday and I have read it over and over. It gives me goosebumps to know that I am holding the first edition of a literary treasure that will surely be enjoyed for generations to come.
What makes the story so special? Margaret Wise Brown wrote this in 1943 at the end of WWII as a tribute to the fathers who were returning from war. Declined by her publisher, it was tucked away in a trunk for these past 60+ years. How touching that a story written so long ago holds such significance today. Mrs. Brown knows how to speak the language of young children. Her books, more than anything else, reassure children that they are loved and not forgotten...ever. What a wonderful talent to deliver such powerful messages in her selection of just a few words. You probably know her best for Goodnight, Moon and The Runaway Bunny. One of my favorites of hers is The Important Book. The Fathers Are Coming Home now rightfully takes its place in this collection of classics.
The illustrator of The Fathers Are Coming Home is Stephen Savage. I have come to appreciate the role of the illustrator in children's books. While the adult can read and convey the story, the child is reading the pictures. Plus, it's just fantastic artwork. Stephen does an incredible job with the story. Be sure to look at all the fine details, including the colors and details on the animals and scenery.
Also, you will enjoy watching Stephen in the video (Simon and Schuster) as he talks about the process of linoleum block printing.
Stephen won a New York Times Best Illustrated Books award for Polar Bear Night written by Lauren Thompson. It is now high on my list of books to buy for PDub.
I am proud to bring you The Fathers Are Coming Home in a giveaway to celebrate this new blog. I will pry my hands off of one copy to a loyal follower on July 31st! I invite you to join me and PDub on our journey. If this book is any indication, we are going on a phenomenal ride!
As Mother's Day approaches, I want to mention a few books that are gift worthy for mommies of all ages. You may want to enclose a hankie with them though!
On the Night You Were Born is a book that will touch the heart of a new mommy. A baby is such a special gift and hard to put into words, but the art and verse of this book put it to song. Nancy Tillman writes,
"On the night you were born
the moon smiled with such wonder
that the stars peeked in to see you
and the night wind whispered,
'Life will never be the same.'"
How much does a mother love her children? I Love You More , by Laura Duksta,is a flip book that, just like love, never ends. It was my choice for a Mother's Day gift to my daughter her first Mother's Day.
Runaway Bunny celebrates its 60th anniversary, but its message is ageless. A mother's love goes with you wherever you may go. Margaret Wise Brown speaks the language that children understand. She is one of my very favorite authors.
That brings me to one other note of interest to readers. A previously unpublished book by Margaret Wise Brown has just been released. I am eagerly awaiting its arrival. Just like The Runaway Bunny and Goodnight, Moon, I believe The Fathers are Coming Home will join their ranks as classics. I will be giving one copy away when the blog reaches 100 followers. Perhaps that will be in time for Father's Day!