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Wee Willie Winkie 
came first and was written, like many other nursery rhymes, to help children relate to real life, grown-up jobs, and other events of that time period. This was written around 1841 when the Town Crier was the fastest mode of messaging. If there had been texting then, it might look like this:
Wee Willie ;-> runs thru d twn ^stairs n downstairs n hs nightgown Tapping @ d windoz, khoc n d locks r d kids ll n bed 4 now it's 8 o'clock?
My oldest daughter, Mama at Law, really surprised me when she announced she was expecting. I can't honestly say I love surprises, but that was a good one. Right away I started looking for books to stock the nursery. The first? A Nursery Rhyme book, of course!
This really is a beautiful book.
It would make a great gift
for a new mommy. |
Since she is a huge fan of Mary Engelbriet, I snagged the
ME Mother Goose 
book from my school book fair. It contains all the old favorites and many that I had never heard or had long forgotten. Mary's illustrations are perfect for the characters portrayed by Mother Goose. And what about those characters? The characters in nursery rhymes are one of the reasons they appeal to a a wide audience, but especially to the little ones who are full of imagination. Our daughters entertained us many nights with their reenactments of their favorite Mother Goose verses. The oldest, Mama in Law, did a fabulous Wee Willie Winkie by using the a little window nook beneath the stairs to fully recreate the action. The youngest, Kitty Cat, would put us in stitches with her portrayal of the little old lady in Old Mother Hubbard. Lucky for them, this was pre-You Tube.
What's next? I like this.
Humpty Dumpty picks himself up
and gets back on that wall! |
The seeds of reading are planted in our children from birth. For infants and tots, nursery rhymes are a great place to start. I read that they are disappearing from our childrens's repertoire. That would be more tragic than
Humpty Dumpty
So glad my girls aren't drama queens... |
A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?